Benefits of Foods

Benefit of Foods

The following are some brief notes from Anthony William’s Life-Changing Foods. For more insights and elaboration I encourage you to read the book.


Apricots are an amazing food for rejuvenation.  They are high in amino acids such as cysteine and glutamine and minerals such as selenium and magnesium in their most bioactive forms. They have 40 trace minerals and phytochemicals that attach and bind to harmful chemicals such as DDT, lowering the risk of cancer.  The skin destroys harmful microbes that get in the way of B12 production.
Apricots have enzymes that protect DNA and they thwart the production of ammonia gas in the gut that can leach through the gut and cause problems throughout the body (from brain fog to dental issues).   They boost the growth of red blood cells, strengthen the heart and nourish the brain.


Asparagus is the anti-aging fountain of youth.  It helps in recovery and prevention of neurological disorders, expels toxins from the organs and repels new toxins.  It is an amazing tool for battling cancer.  It is high in B vitamins, silica, iron zinc, molybdenum, chromium, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium
It is alkalizing and one of the best adrenal supports.

Avocado: The Mother Fruit

Avocado helps to restore stomach and intestinal linings and is good for digestive disorders of any kind. Avocados:
-are anti-inflammatory
-prevent and rids one of polyps in the intestinal lining
-are amazing for the brain: healthy source of omega 6
-help alleviate Alzheimer’s and dementia
-are anti-aging
-give you a healthy glow
-get rid of dark under eye circles
-are anti-radiation
-are phytoestrogenic: stop estrogen-related reproductive and colon cancers


Banana sugar is bonded with the trace minerals: manganese, selenium, copper, boron, and molybdenum, potassium (critical for neurotransmitter function).
They support our electrolyte production and are powerful antivirals: they can repel HIV
Bananas have tryptophan and can help with sleep and depression.
They destroy fungus, including candida, feed helpful microbes, are B12 enhancing and antispasmodic for hyperactive colons. They help with gut health, stabilize blood sugar and counter-act stress.  They are a good pre- and post exercise food

Brazil Nuts

One Brazil Nut contains 100% of the RDI for selenium.  Because of soil depletion, selenium deficiency is quite common.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Examples of Cruciferous Vegetables: cabbage, collard greens, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, arugula, mustard greens.
They ignite healing and cleansing abilities of other foods in certain combinations
Contrary to prevalent misinformation, they are thyroid’s best friend.  They pull radiation out of the thyroid.  They protect against the viruses, stave off cancers especially breast, reproductive, brain, intestinal, and lung cancers.  They are especially good for lung health, contain both macro and trace mineral sulfur, and are rich in vitamins B, A, C, E and K.
Particular healing properties:
Red Cabbage: most rejuvenating for the liver.
Kale: connective tissue, joints, inflammation, destroys viruses
Collard Greens: anti-bacterial, (steam them)
Cauliflower: has boron for the endocrine system, thyroid, rest of endocrine, system, hypothalamus, adrenal glands.  Kills viruses.  Eat raw.
Broccoli: a true multi-vitimin for the whole body
Brussels Sprouts and Green Cabbage: joints, osteoporosis, Brussels sprouts 10x more nutrient dense than cabbage.  Lowers bad cholesterol, increases good, purifies the liver and other dense organs.

-Cauliflower + seaweed: expels chlorine, fluoride, and radiation from the endocrine system.
-Apples+ red cabbage: expels bacteria, worms, parasites, and viruses, from liver, spleen and intestines.
-Asparagus +broccoli: amplifies cancer fighting
-Collard greens + pumpkin seeds: amplifes zinc absorption.

Burdock Root

Burdock has a grounding ability that comes from diving deep into the earth.  It rehabilitates the liver by removing toxins, reducing cysts and adhesions and repairing scar tissue it the liver.
Pathogens cause liver to lose its grounding.  Burdock is 50x more grounding than any other root vegetable.  Its packed with nutrients. Burdock cleanses the lymph and blood, enhances white blood cells and killer cells and removes heavy metals.


Celery is one of most powerful anti-inflammatory foods we have. It starves harmful microbes and flushes their toxins out of the liver and intestines while at the same time helping good microbes. It has more than 60 trace minerals and yet undiscovered mineral salts.  Alkalizes and detoxifies.
-Raises HCl in the gut
-Stops ammonia permeability (which can lead to dental rot and brain fog)
-Improves kidney function
-Restores adrenals
-Eases the mind and supports neuron function
-Increases electrolytes
-Hydrates on a deep cellular level lessoning migraines
-Offers Stress assistance
-Repairs DNA
Celery is one of greatest healing tonics of all time!


Cherries are the ultimate liver tonic, cleanser, and rejuvenator.
-Promote healthy hemoglobin
-Are anti-cancerous.
-Alleviate constipation better than prunes
-Cleanse the bladder
-Boost the endocrine system
-Balancing your weight: stimulate or suppress appetite as needed
-Are a good source of iron and zinc
-Are a source of trace amino acids (some yet to be discovered)
-Enhance melatonin to give stress relief, and protect from Alzheimer’s dementia and brain tumors.
-Remove radiation and repair nerve damage.
-Remove toxins from the female reproductive system.
-Reduce fibroids and cysts
-Are very detoxifying and cleansing.


Cilantro is a primary herb for heavy metal detoxification including for the brain.
Liking or not liking cilantro is not genetic (a fad theory).  Perceiving a harsh flavor to it indicates a higher oxidative rate of heavy metals in the system.  Not necessarily a higher level, but that they are corroding rapidly.  The toxic runoff from the corrosion gets into the saliva. The cilantro binds with the toxins creating a harsh taste.  If you don’t like it, you really need it.
Cilantro pulls heavy metals from the liver and is one of the best adrenal support herbs. It balances blood sugar, staves off weight gain, helps brain with fog and memory issues
Kills viruses, including HIV, and is anti-bacterial and anti-parasite.


Cucumbers have a fountain of youth effect by hydrating on the deepest possible cellular level. They have a cooling effect, especially for a stagnant hot liver.  Eaten daily they can reverse liver damage. The fresh juice is the best rejuvenation tonic in the world.
Cucumbers nourish and cool adrenals and kidneys, are good for any kidney problems, calm a fevers, are good for anxiety or other neurological conditions, and support digestion so that you can get the most from everything you eat.


The alkaloids that make Dandelions bitter also make them very cleansing. Every part of the plant is good for you and stimulates different types of cleansing of different areas.
Flowers are for the hollow organs: stomach, intestine, gallbladder, bladder, lungs, uterus and heart. The leaves purify blood and lymph and increase circulation. The stem cleanses dense the organs such as the spleen, liver and brain. The root purges the deepest part of the dense organs.  Dandelions are very nutrient dense, give you energy, prevent all illness and are especially good for the prostate.


Dates are great for the digestive system.  They are one of the most anti-parasitical foods.  They bind with and sweep away heavy metals and all forms of pathogens,  are good for candida, restore peristaltic function. They are good for diabetes and hypoglycemia, because they deliver glucose to the liver, addressing the glucose loss responsible for blood sugar issues.  Dates are good for athletes because high in whole plant based sugar and potassium for refueling muscles.

Dates have 70 bioactive minerals, support the adrenal glands, and are very heart healthy. They contain important undiscovered amino acids. These amino acids make potassium work better and stop lactic acid from taking over in stress.  Dates are a warming food that expels dampness from spleen and liver, without creating dryness.  The have abundant anti-cancer properties.  Eat one 2 hours before sleep for a better nights sleep.  For a more profound meditation, eat 3 before your session.

Atlantic Sea Vegetables

Seaweed is very powerful in removing heavy metals. In the ocean seaweeds absorb toxins, deactivate them and release them back, harmless.  In our bodies they absorb toxins and eliminate them.  They are packed with nutrition, including over 50 trace minerals.  They help create electrolytes for stress assistance, reconstruct DNA, are very grounding, are great for endocrine system because absorb radiation and are an excellent source of active iodine. Seaweeds are good for bones, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue and teeth and help address heavy metal induced illness or symptoms such as Alzheimer’s, epilepsy and brain fog.


Garlic is one of the most potent antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-parasitics we have, mainly because it is rich in sulfur compounds that prevent disease.
While it eliminates harmful microbes, it does not kill good bacteria.
It is great for colds, flus, strep throat, pneumonia, and virus related cancers.  It removes heavy metals in the colon.  It is most potent raw.  Eat a clove a day (or 3 if you are coming down with something).


Ginger is one of the most important tools we have for giving us respite from a reactive state.  It is great for stress related illnesses such as adrenal fatigue, acid reflux, sleep apnea, spastic bladder, insomnia, and digestive issues such as spastic colon and gastritis. It is also good for chronic muscle pain. Ginger is the ultimate antispasmodic.
Ginger tea can calm an upset stomach and relax any other area of tension for up to 12 hours.  It is a tonic for organs and muscles.  It relaxes the throat, relieves tension headaches and flushes out lactic acid from stress or working out.
It has 60 trace minerals, 30 amino acids (many undiscovered), 500 enzymes and co-enzymes and is good for DNA reconstruction. It enhances B12 production..

Lemons and Limes

Lemons and Limes are ultra- hydrating and electrolyte producing because they are such a great source of mineral salts.  They have one of most highly absorbable forms of vitamin C and calcium. They create alkalinity in the body to prevent the growth of almost every type of cancer, are great for cold and mucus, cleanse the liver, kidneys, spleen, thyroid and gallbladder, purge the body of plastics, chemicals and radiation
Drink Lemon or Lime water first thing in the morning.  Always use during detox.
Adding Lemon or Lime brings water back to life.

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm calms nerves, particularly those involved in digestion, helping digestive sensitivities.
It is valuable in relieving stress, is high in trace minerals and helps your body conserve B12. Lemon Balm is anti-parasitic, anti-microbial, detoxes the liver, kidneys, spleen and reduces bladder inflammation.  It is good for migraines, ear problems, tooth pain, nosebleeds and depression.

Licorice Root

Licorice Root is the most important herb in the world today because it is the ultimate weapon in the viral explosion.  It stops Epstein Barr, HHV-6, chtomegalovirous and shingles, the viruses behind fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease Meniere disease and adrenal fatigue.  It is good for all “autoimmune” disorders.
Licorice Root is good for low blood pressure, soothes the liver by lowering liver heat.
It is one of the best adrenal restorative herbs, acting like a battery charger for the adrenals. It is also good for endocrine glands.  Use it as an energy booster instead of caffeine.


MicroGreens are one of the most nutrient dense types of foods in the world. They are packed with very digestible nutrients and help reverse exhaustion. They are wonderful reproductive foods, balance hormones, are great for regeneration after giving birth, support the brain, including pulling heavy metals from the brain. They reverse Alzheimer’s, dementia, brain fog and memory loss and are wonderful for skin repair. They stave off infection, protect against cancer, are the best source of elevated pro-biotics and support the production of B12.
They have more than 60 trace minerals and hold 1000’s of phytochemicals to supercharge your body.

Properties of specific MicroGreens:
Broccoli: strengthens digestion; raises your HCl
Radish: purges the liver
Red Clover: cleanses lymph and blood
Fenugreek: supports emotions and endocrine system, heart soul and brain.
Balances the adrenals and regulates the thyroid.
Lentil: high protein and energy for strength

MicroGreens are highly adaptagenic. They align their nutrition for your specific needs.
For best results, eat 2 cup daily.

Nettle Leaf

Nettle Leaf is a star adaptogenic herb. It supports us through times of stress, has more than 700 undiscovered phytochemicals and is life-giving and life-lengthening.
Nettle Leaf:
-is an amazing anti-inflammatory
-supports the adrenals
-pulls out and protects us from radiation
-supports the endocrine system
-is the ultimate reproductive herb of all time, especially for women
-rids the body of toxic estrogen
-is bone building and bone protecting

Oranges and Tangerines

The glutathione, flavonoids and limonoids in oranges and tangerines fight off viruses, protect from radiation damage and deactivate toxic heavy metals.
They have a form of bioactive calcium you can’t get anywhere else.  They help the teeth. They do not damage them.  The acid content dissolves kidney and gallstones.
If you combine them with honey that will increase the pectin’s ability to kill off and eliminate mold, yeast, viruses and bacteria in the gut by 50%. Oranges and tangerines should be a foundational part of the diet.

Oregano, Rosemary, Sage and Thyme

These important herbs have complimentary qualities.  They are more potent combined.
Oregano: Anti-bacterial.  Effective against ringworm.
Rosemary: Anti-bacterial.
Sage: Anti-fungal.  Removes heavy metals.
Thyme: Anti-viral, including ones that attack the brain.


Parsley alkalizes all the body systems.  It fights acidosis more than anything else, because it has specialized mineral salts that bind with acids and drive them out.
Parsley battles every type of cancer, is an all-purpose pathogen fighter, is good for anything mouth related like gum disease and pulls out DDT and other pesticides.
It is packed with nutrition including traces of B12 and is very adaptogenic, passing on the will to survive to you.  Parsley is excellent for replenishing you when exhausted and depleted and is one of the top adrenal boosters.


Pomegranates are high in antioxidants, dissolve all gall and kidney stones, calcifications and small cysts.  They have anti –tumor properties, are great blood builders, increasesboth red and white cell counts and restore glucose to the liver, which protects the adrenal glands.
Eating pomegranates leads to adrenal balance and blood sugar stabilization. The high quality glucose makes them brain food, which increases focus and concentration. They have very bio-available iron, manganese, potassium and chromium.
-help the skin and encourage hair growth
-regulate hormones and flush out toxic estrogens which contribute to cancer
-Detoxify DDT and other pesticides
-eliminate lactic acid build up in the muscles
-clear out earwax.
On an emotional level pomegranates bring to composure, compassion and patience, equanimity and focus.


Potatoes are good for diabetes.  They help stabilize blood sugar.  Potatoes and other nightshades do not aggravate arthritis.  The cheese, butter, oil, milk and cream typically eaten with potato are the problems.  Frying combined with high fat / high sugar of dairy is deadly.  That’s what causes insulin resistance and high A1C levels. Lactose + fat feeds every type of cancer.  Potatoes don’t cause health issues. The ingredients served with them do.A whole food in its natural state should not be lumped in with processed “white foods.” Potato skin is one of the best nutrition sources on the planet.  Potatoes have some of the highest macro and micro nutrients available.  They are high in potassium, B6 and Lysine (which fights cancer, liver disease and inflammation and the Epstein Barr virus that is behind rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain and autoimmune disease).  Potatoes fight all chronic illness eliminate harmful microbes, assist with stress and are a brain food that keeps you grounded and centered.

Always eat organic potatoes, as non-organic is likely GMO. Steaming is best as a cooking method. Use avocado, tahini or salsa on top instead of butter, cheese or oil. Add to salads.  The enzymes in potatoes enhance the healing alkaloids in the leafy greens.


Berries are anti-aging because they are loaded with anti-oxidants, many of which are yet to be discovered.  They are excellent sources of iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, molybdenym,, potassium, chromium, and calcium.
-stop excess adrenaline from causing damage to organs.
-are a wonderful brain food: they reverse lesions, gray areas, calcifications, heavy metal deposits, white spots, scar tissue, crystallizations, and adhesions
-protect against all brain disorders and diseases including brain cancer, ALS, Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, stroke aneurysms, and migraines.
-are B12 supporting
-enhance heart health
-protect heart valves and ventricles, remove plaque by dissolving hardened fat deposits within veins and arteries.
-increase fertility by counteracting the “low battery” state behind so many cases of mystery infertility

Raspberry Leaf

Raspberry Leaf is an ideal herb for woman’s reproductive health. It balances the hormones, feeds the thyroid gland and supports the entire endocrine system.
Raspberry Leaf:
-is one of best tonics for infertility
-prevents miscarriages
-addresses exhaustion following childbirth and postpartum depression
-enhances the production of breast milk and makes it more nutritious.  For men it is a blood purifier and overall detoxifier and for all it is anti-inflammatory, good for iron deficiencies, helps hair grow and strengthens pancreas.
It is on of the top adaptogens.

Red Clover

Red Clover is one of the most powerful herb of all for cleansing the lymph system. It is effective for any type of cancer, builds the blood and addresses any blood disorder.
You will get more nutrients out of it than any multivitamin.
Red Clover is one of the best herbs for weight loss, has an energizing effect, is good for fatigue and eliminates heavy metals and pesticides.


Alliums are nature’s anti-biotics. The sulfur content is what makes them medicinal.
An upset stomach from onions indicates high levels of harmful bacteria.  The discomfort is from the bacteria die-off. Onions are good for SIBO, enhance B12 production and rid the body of radiation, DDT, pesticides, viruses and heavy metals.
-alleviate joint pain, degeneration, discomfort and repair tendons and connective tissue.
-slows iron loss
-rejuvenate the skin and lungs
-repair lung damage caused by smoking
-help colds, flus and pneumonia,
-reduce bowel inflammation
-heal ulcers.
-protect against pathogens.

Onions alleviate bad breath. Bad breath is caused by bad bacteria in the gut that rise to the mouth.

Rose Hips

The vitamin C in Rose Hips is the most bioavailable form of vitamin C anywhere and it helps the vitamin C from other foods improve.
Rose Hips are anti-inflammatory, boost the immune system, increases white blood cell count and are particularly helpful for battling any kind of infection.
They eliminate the biofilm of virus waste (that can cause heart and other problems), alleviate urinary tract infections, and have many antioxidants besides vitamin C (many undiscovered).  The deep roots mean they have many minerals.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes are loaded with nutrients.  They promote good microbes and inhibit bad, enhance B12 production, and support colon health. They are high in carotenoids, draw radiation out of the body, protect against cancers, are phytoestrogenic (eliminate synthetic estrogens), regulate hair growth, and are good for insomnia.

If you eat a sweet potato a day your skin will start to glow.


Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and so it is good for pain that comes from inflammation (such as Lupus). It is good for brain inflammation, deep headaches, pressure in the head, blurry eyes, confusion, anxiety, and panic. Turmeric increases circulation, is good for histamine reactions, regulates cholesterol, inhibits tumors and cysts, prevents all types of cancers, (especially skin cancer)  and removes heavy metals.

Wild Blueberry

Wild Blueberry is the world’s most powerful food. There is not a cancer that wild blueberries cannot prevent, nor a disease that they cannot protect you from. Domestic forms are healthy but only a fraction as potent.  They are the number one adaptogen.
Wild blueberries are higher in antioxidants– many as yet undiscovered– than any other food.
They are one of most effective heavy metal detoxifiers.  They also remove pesticides, radiation and kill viruses.  They are the most powerful brain food in existence.
They restore the liver and aid in peak athletic performance.